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Suggest use it with <130 motor power
If you use bigger power, recommend assemble our strengthen version CVD driveshaft
Compatible with:
Golden Full Set Package Includes:
Front Portal Axle complete set 1pcs
1.5 * 5 RC Pin 4pcs
M2 nuts 4pcs
Front Rear Portal Axle Set Package Includes:
Front Portal Axle complete set 1pcs
1.5 * 5 RC Pin 4pcs
M2 nuts 4pcs
Front Portal Axle Package Includes:
Front Portal Axle complete set 1pcs
1.5 * 5 RC Pin 2pcs
M2 nuts 2pcs
Rear Portal Axle Package Includes:
1.5 * 5 RC Pin 2pcs
M2 nuts 2pcs